It’s time to hit the beach

Temperatures are finally reaching the high 80’s and 90’s week after week! Sand, sunshine, and the water are calling our name. It’s time to hit the beach to cool down.
While the beach is fun and a great outdoor activity there are some necessary precautions to take to keep you and your beach crew safe.
- Avoid an overdose of sun. Remember while you are out in the sun to protect your skin and stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water, wear sunscreen and make sure to apply it often. Wear protective clothing and stay under an umbrella. Wear a hat and sunglasses to protect the top of your head and eyes.
- Don’t overestimate your swimming abilities. Getting caught in a rip current or undertow can happen very quickly. Be aware of the tide and direction of the water. Never swim alone. Designate a “water watcher” to keep an eye on you or children when in the water.
- Watch the weather. Lightning is a very real danger. If you see a storm approaching the best thing is to get out of the water and get off the beach.
- Stay aware! Be aware of your surroundings and landmarks. Should you take a walk on the beach or go for a swim nothing ruins a beach day like getting lost.
- Protect your feet. Broken glass, sharp rocks or shells and hot sand can ruin a nice long walk or run on the beach. A cut or burn can easily become infected if not treated. Save yourself the trouble by purchasing some water shoes.
Enjoy your summer and all your time on the beach!
Check out all our South Carolina Beaches and other safety tips: